How to handle Energetic attacks
When we receive a reaction from someone that feels extreme or unwarranted it is important that we do not allow ourselves to in reaction act out of character, that we don't lose our way... reaction is a form of giving our power away it's a way off feeding the ego of others by validating their pull for attention with our responding. We feed the beast .. when we are in our power, when we are shining those who feel threatened by us due to their choice to compare or compete will attack, they will criticize or insult so that they can feel better about themselves.. untimely when we respond in anger we are giving them exactly what they are seeking. The best thing we can do for them and ourselves is to remain in our peace to deflect or even dodge what's being thrown at us.. anger is a choice, a choice that hurts the enraged much more than the one who has inspired it... peace .. as one of my martial arts instructors always used to tell me "when they try to sell, don't buy" I didnt get it at 21.. I do now.. #energyvampires #psychicattack #staygrounded #sheilding #forcefield #healing #reiki #reikimaster #daoudsun #healingcommunity #mindfulness #letitgo #exhale #fakefriends #haters #ego #jealousy #envy #insecurities #spiritualawakening #spiritual #selfmastery #selflove #wisdom #ancestors #knowyourworth #knowledgeofself #innerpeace #innerpower