We can create our mood
I almost never used to smile unless maybe I was laughing at something. I was angry.. frustrated with the world, society and history much of my life.. until I started doing reiki, meditation and eventually working with plant medicine. Something in me shifted I had a new agreement with myself and with the world. Yesterday I felt very aggressive .. hostile irritable .. it was a familiar state and feeling a place that was once my norm (was wondering if working out so much was inspiring that feeling) I did some deep breathing and felt the mood and feeling shift quickly ... it made me reflect on how we hold feelings, we get attached to being particular ways, just a thought can shift it if we choose.. yet we must understand that we can choose. It takes us having a deliberate relationship with being, as opposed to a reactionary one. When we understand that we can shift our thinking we can craft our experience, we can transform a mood and become subject to our choosing instead of living in reaction to the world around us. 📸 by @nnvisage #selflove #selfawareness #smilesarehealing #mood #choice #rightthinking #emotionalintelligence #healingcommunity #selfhealing #happiness #reikimaster #daoudsun #plantmedicine #spiritualtechnology #spiritualcounselor #love #life #emotion #objectiveconsciousness #anger #warriorsoflight #divinefeminine #divinemasculine #heal #soulfood #soulawakening #teachthebabiesÂ